The Protestant Libertarian Podcast
The Protestant Libertarian Podcast explores the intersection between protestant Biblical studies and libertarian philosophy. We will discuss the Bible, history, culture, economics, philosophy, and current events from both protestant and libertarian perspectives. Questions, comments, suggestions? Please reach out to me at theprotestantlibertarian@gmail.com. You can also follow the podcast on Twitter: @prolibertypod. If you like the show and want to support it, you can! Check out the Protestant Libertarian Podcast page at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theplpodcast. Also, please consider giving me a star rating and leaving me a review, it really helps expand the shows profile! Thanks!
The Protestant Libertarian Podcast
Ep 160: I Can’t Support Trump or Harris
In this episode I talk about the reasons why I can’t support either Trump or Harris, why America is Babylon, and why I don’t believe that the election will change anything. I hope I am wrong about the third one. I had an interview fall through and I recorded this for YouTube; the links for the video are posted below. I am going to try to put out more video content in the weeks to come! Enjoy this short bonus episode and subscribe over on YouTube! Also, check out my new article for LCI where I explain why the New Testament does not support socialism!
Media Referenced:
Original YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpYODuozDfQ
Subscribe on YouTube: @ProLibertyPod
My LCI article on Socialism: https://libertarianchristians.com/2024/10/26/no-the-new-testament-does-not-teach-socialism/
The Protestant Libertarian Podcast is a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute and a part of the Christians For Liberty Network. The Libertarian Christian Institute can be found at www.libertarianchristians.com.
Questions, comments, suggestions? Please reach out to me at theprotestantlibertarian@gmail.com. You can also follow the podcast on Twitter: @prolibertypod. For more about the show, you can go to theprotestantlibertarianpodcast.com. If you like the show and want to support it, you can! Go to libertarianchristians.com, where you can donate to LCI and buy The Protestant Libertarian Podcast Merch! Also, please consider giving me a star rating and leaving me a review, it really helps expand the shows profile! Thanks!