The Protestant Libertarian Podcast

Ep 186: Work with Your Hands | 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

Alex Bernardo

In this episode, I explain what Paul is doing when he exhorts the Thessalonians to “mind your own business and work with your hands” in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12. I discuss the problems with historical anachronism and the difference between ancient and modern economic thought. I then discuss the wider context of Paul’s though, explaining how his fundamental moral principle is cruciformity (living a life of sacrifice for others) and his views on the nature and responsibility of the church. Paul works to fund his own ministry (1 Cor. 9) as an example of cruciform sacrifice towards his congregations. I explain how Thessalonica was a diverse, cosmopolitan trading city with an independent government, and how Paul’s trip to Thessalonica (Acts 17) resulted in synagogue leaders leveraging the local government to harass those that believe in the Gospel. I then turn to 1 Thessalonians as a letter, showing how persecution and eschatology are the two major themes that run through the letter. Paul wants the Thessalonians to imitate him (1:6-7) and explains how he is willing to work to provide for his own needs (2:9-12). Before the final section of 1 Thessalonians, Paul explains how cruciform love and the identity of the church shapes the rest of his exhortation (3:11-13). We then finally come to 1 Thess. 4:9-12. The historical and sociological background of the passage is the Roman patron-client system, where wealthy patrons give gifts of money, clothing, and food to clients in exchange for social clout and political support. Paul wants all Christians to become charitable and benefactors, and his language in 4:9-12 is a rejection of the patron-client system. Paul encourages Christians to leave and reject the patron-client system and instead work with their hands, so that they will not be in need and can help those that genuinely are. This is also an example of the cruciform character of the church to outsiders. I then explain some principles that Christians should derive from this passage and how they should shape our perception of Christian responsibility in the modern world. 


Media Referenced:

1 Timothy 5-6:

Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler:

1 Peter 2:13-17:

Bibleworthy Podcast Appearance:

Seek the Welfare of the City, Bruce Winter:

Empire, Economics, and the New Testament, Peter Oakes:

The Moral Teaching of Paul, Victor Furnish:


The Protestant Libertarian Podcast is a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute and a part of the Christians For Liberty Network. The Libertarian Christian Institute can be found at

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